

Can this be the place of your dreams?

A very warm welcome to CASA KLEIN

My name is Joan Klein Didold and I will now introduce you to the INTERNATIONAL SENIOR HOTEL CASA KLEIN in southern Spain. The hotel is situated on a hilltop overlooking the mountains and ocean, north of the town of Velez-Málaga, just a few minutes drive from the sea.

Our Motto
Can this be the place of your dreams?

  • We value very highly the comfort and needs of our guest
  • We never make anyone feel uncomfortable or compromised
  • We are professionals and our staff can handle any situation

Facilities Overview

10 Short Facts About Casa Klein


What the People Say...

I want to express my joy and gratitude.
You make my mother feel special.
You are doing a great job.

thank you so much!

Jesper Pfeiffer SON

What our guests say...

“Casa Klein is a place that every person should have the opportunity to experience.”
“I am so glad that my mother had the opportunity to stay at Casa Klein”.
“I am so grateful for everything you have done for me at Casa Klein. Without you, I would never have started again.”
Family of a guest: “You do a lot more than you can imagine. You have to be praised for that.”


Single room



Per month

Double room



Per month

Couple sharing

guest number 2

50% discount

Prices are VAT included.
Physiotherapy and hairdressing. Not included

+34 679 167 168

+34 679 167 168